To find out if the person saved your contact on WhatsApp, you need to send a message via the broadcast list and check which numbers they received. Additionally, checking the person’s profile photo and WhatsApp Status can also give clues that their number has been saved.
These three procedures are alternative ways to discover or investigate whether the person has their number saved, as WhatsApp does not offer a specific and direct method for this verification, nor does it notify users about the saving.
Next, check out three ways to confirm or investigate whether the person has your contact saved on WhatsApp.
How to know who has your contact saved on WhatsApp? See 3 ways to find out
1. Use the broadcast list to find out who has your contact saved on WhatsApp
The most effective way to find out if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp is to send a message via the broadcast list, as only contacts with your saved number will receive the message.
To create a WhatsApp broadcast list, you need to enter the messenger’s three-dot menu and tap “New broadcast” (Android) or tap the new conversation icon and choose “New broadcast” (iPhone). Then, you need to add the desired contacts to find out if someone saved your contact on WhatsApp.
Once this is done, it is worth sending a message through the broadcast list and asking people (via individual chat) about receiving the message. Contacts who received your message have your number saved, while people who didn’t receive it don’t have your number in their phonebook.
2. Check if the contact’s profile photo appears on WhatsApp

Users who want to know if the person has their number saved on WhatsApp should also pay attention to their WhatsApp profile photo. If the image is not displayed, it may be that they did not add you as a contact in their calendar.
It is important to note that there is no way to know if the person added you on WhatsApp just by checking their profile photo. The absence of the image may be a clue, but it does not confirm anything.
This is because the person may have deleted their profile image or chosen to hide their WhatsApp profile photo from some contacts.
3. Observe posts on WhatsApp status

Observing the person’s Status updates is also valid to find out if your contact is saved on their WhatsApp, as viewing this type of publication is restricted to the person’s contacts (by default).
This means that it is possible to know if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp if you can view their Status. After all, this type of publication can only be viewed by contacts saved on the person’s device.
But not seeing the person’s Status doesn’t mean they necessarily stopped saving your number. She may not use the feature or have restricted you from the Status viewing list, even if your contact is saved in her calendar.
Can anyone who has my number saved on WhatsApp see my status?
Not necessarily. For people to see your Status, they must have your number saved, and you must also save their phone numbers in your contacts. A person cannot see your Status if they have your contact, but you have not saved their number, for example.
And it’s good to remember that you can control who can see your WhatsApp Status by going into your Status’s privacy settings. You can define whether to share the Status to all your contacts, to just some contacts or to specific saved numbers.
Does the WhatsApp status disappear if someone deletes my number from their contacts?
A posted Status update will not disappear for you if the person deletes their contact after posting, but you will not be able to see new Status posts from that person after they delete their number.
It is important to highlight that not showing a person’s Status updates does not necessarily mean that they have deleted your contact, as they may have just excluded you from showing their Status in WhatsApp’s privacy settings.
Is there a way to see the status of a person who doesn’t have my number saved in their contacts?
No. You will only be able to view Status updates from people who have your WhatsApp number saved as a contact, as long as you have also added their numbers to your address book.
Is it possible to see a person online if they deleted my WhatsApp contact?
Yes. WhatsApp “online” cannot be used as an indicator to indicate whether the person still has your number saved as a contact, as they may have adopted a configuration so that this information appears to everyone (including unsaved numbers).
Likewise, not seeing the person’s “online” does not mean that they deleted your contact from the calendar, as they may have chosen to remove the “online” from WhatsApp for everyone.
Can I know how my contact is saved on someone else’s WhatsApp?
No, since only the person has access to the names of the contacts defined by them on WhatsApp. The only way to find out how your number was named is to ask her to send you your contact in chat, which will reveal the name adopted on your contact card.