Home Microsoft Computers 70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation

70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation

Check out 70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation that can help you improve productivity on a day-to-day

shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation

Windows 10 has several keyboard shortcuts. Microsoft’s operating system offers everything from simple commands such as the well-known “CTRL+C” and “CTRL + V” to the less famous ones, such as “Windows + V” to open clipboard history. Next, I’ll show you 70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation.

Essential shortcuts

CTRL + ASelect all
CTRL + CCopy items to the clipboard
CTRL + XCrop items to the clipboard
CTRL + VPaste clipboard items
CTRL + ZUndo action
CTRL + YRedo action
ALT + F4Close current window (if none is open, displays shutdown options)
CTRL + D or DeleteDelete selected items
Shift + DeletePermanently delete items
F2Rename selected item
EscCancel action
ALT + TabSwitch between windows
PrtScnSave a screenshot to the clipboard
Windows + I keyOpens system settings
Windows + E keyOpens File Explorer
Windows + A keyOpens the Action Center
Windows + V keyOpens clipboard history
Windows + Shift + S keyAllows you to capture part of the screen using the Capture Tool
Windows + PrtScn keyAutomatically captures and saves the screen in the Screenshots folder

File Explorer Shortcuts

CTRL + NOpens a new window
CTRL + WCloses the current window
CTRL + FOpen the search area
CTRL + mouse scrollChanges file/folder view
CTRL + Shift + NCreates a new folder
ALT + EnterOpens the properties window of the selected file
F11Switch to full-screen mode
F5Updates the page
HomeBack to the beginning of the screen
EndSlides to the end of the screen
ALT + right arrowView the next folder
ALT + left arrowView the previous folder

Desktop shortcuts

Windows keyOpens the Start menu
CTRL + up/down arrowChanges the size of the Start menu
CTRL + Shift + ESCOpens Task Manager
CTRL + ALT + TabView all open programs
CTRL + arrows + spaceSelect multiple files
ALT + TabToggles between open programs
PageUpMoves the screen up
PageDownMoves the screen down
ALT + ESCTransits between open windows
CTRL + Shift + click on iconRuns the program as an administrator (from the Taskbar)
Shift + right-click on the iconDisplays the program menu (from the Taskbar)
CTRL + left arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the word (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + right arrowMoves the cursor to the end of the word (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + up arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + down arrowMoves the cursor to the end of the paragraph (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + Shift + up/down arrowSelects the entire paragraph
CTRL + ALT + right arrowRotates the screen 90 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + down arrowRotates the screen 180 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + left arrowRotates the screen 270 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + up arrowReturns the vertical rotation of the screen

Shortcuts with the Windows key

Windows + S keyOpens the system search menu
Windows + D keyDisplays/hides the desktop
Windows + L keyLocks your PC
Windows + M keyMinimizes all open windows
Windows + C keyOpen Cortana (virtual assistant)
Windows + G keyOpens Xbox Game Bar
Windows key + ALT + RStarts a screen recording
Windows + T keyToggles between Taskbar programs
Windows + R keyOpens Run
Windows + X keyOpens the Quick Access menu
Windows + P keyOpens the Project menu
Windows key + plus signZooms in on the screen with the Magnifying Glass
Windows key + minus signZooms out of the screen with the Magnifying Glass
Windows + ESC keyCloses the Magnifying Glass
Windows key + up arrowmaximize
Windows key + down arrowminimize
Windows key + left arrowAdjusts the current window to the left half of the screen
Windows key + right arrowAdjusts the current window to the right half of the screen

Source: Microsoft.

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