70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation

Check out 70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation that can help you improve productivity on a day-to-day

shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation

Windows 10 has several keyboard shortcuts. Microsoft’s operating system offers everything from simple commands such as the well-known “CTRL+C” and “CTRL + V” to the less famous ones, such as “Windows + V” to open clipboard history. Next, I’ll show you 70 shortcuts for Windows 10 control and navigation.

Essential shortcuts

CTRL + ASelect all
CTRL + CCopy items to the clipboard
CTRL + XCrop items to the clipboard
CTRL + VPaste clipboard items
CTRL + ZUndo action
CTRL + YRedo action
ALT + F4Close current window (if none is open, displays shutdown options)
CTRL + D or DeleteDelete selected items
Shift + DeletePermanently delete items
F2Rename selected item
EscCancel action
ALT + TabSwitch between windows
PrtScnSave a screenshot to the clipboard
Windows + I keyOpens system settings
Windows + E keyOpens File Explorer
Windows + A keyOpens the Action Center
Windows + V keyOpens clipboard history
Windows + Shift + S keyAllows you to capture part of the screen using the Capture Tool
Windows + PrtScn keyAutomatically captures and saves the screen in the Screenshots folder

File Explorer Shortcuts

CTRL + NOpens a new window
CTRL + WCloses the current window
CTRL + FOpen the search area
CTRL + mouse scrollChanges file/folder view
CTRL + Shift + NCreates a new folder
ALT + EnterOpens the properties window of the selected file
F11Switch to full-screen mode
F5Updates the page
HomeBack to the beginning of the screen
EndSlides to the end of the screen
ALT + right arrowView the next folder
ALT + left arrowView the previous folder

Desktop shortcuts

Windows keyOpens the Start menu
CTRL + up/down arrowChanges the size of the Start menu
CTRL + Shift + ESCOpens Task Manager
CTRL + ALT + TabView all open programs
CTRL + arrows + spaceSelect multiple files
ALT + TabToggles between open programs
PageUpMoves the screen up
PageDownMoves the screen down
ALT + ESCTransits between open windows
CTRL + Shift + click on iconRuns the program as an administrator (from the Taskbar)
Shift + right-click on the iconDisplays the program menu (from the Taskbar)
CTRL + left arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the word (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + right arrowMoves the cursor to the end of the word (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + up arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + down arrowMoves the cursor to the end of the paragraph (works on editors and text boxes)
CTRL + Shift + up/down arrowSelects the entire paragraph
CTRL + ALT + right arrowRotates the screen 90 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + down arrowRotates the screen 180 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + left arrowRotates the screen 270 degrees (may not work on all PCs)
CTRL + ALT + up arrowReturns the vertical rotation of the screen

Shortcuts with the Windows key

Windows + S keyOpens the system search menu
Windows + D keyDisplays/hides the desktop
Windows + L keyLocks your PC
Windows + M keyMinimizes all open windows
Windows + C keyOpen Cortana (virtual assistant)
Windows + G keyOpens Xbox Game Bar
Windows key + ALT + RStarts a screen recording
Windows + T keyToggles between Taskbar programs
Windows + R keyOpens Run
Windows + X keyOpens the Quick Access menu
Windows + P keyOpens the Project menu
Windows key + plus signZooms in on the screen with the Magnifying Glass
Windows key + minus signZooms out of the screen with the Magnifying Glass
Windows + ESC keyCloses the Magnifying Glass
Windows key + up arrowmaximize
Windows key + down arrowminimize
Windows key + left arrowAdjusts the current window to the left half of the screen
Windows key + right arrowAdjusts the current window to the right half of the screen

Source: Microsoft.

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