If you’ve posted or shared many photos and videos on Facebook, you can download them to your computer if you want to back up or share on WhatsApp, for example. It’s a useful way to not just depend on the social network and save your captures with you. Learn how to download photos and videos from Facebook.
After downloading, remember that you can also delete all or some photos and posts from Facebook automatically, without having to select one by one. So you can save what you’ve posted in a cloud and take it from the social network.
How to download photos and videos from Facebook
The download of your images can be done by a tool called Your Information on Facebook, which shows everything that Facebook knows about you. There, you can also download your photos, videos, contacts and even posts. Now, this is how to download all your photos and videos from Facebook.

- Go to Facebook Settings and click Your Information on Facebook > Download your information;
- You will enter the page above. Under Your information, click Clear everything;
- Now check Photos, Videos and other account information that you want to download;
- Under Media Quality, select high, medium or low, depending on the quality you want for your photos;
- When you’re done, click the Blue Create File button;
- Facebook should take a few minutes, hours, or days to create your file. When this happens, you will be notified by email and it can be downloaded under Available Files;
- When you receive the confirmation email, go to Available Files and click Download.
After downloading, simply unpack the file in *.zip and access the content. There is a page that gathers all the content, but you can also access the photos or videos folders to directly access your files. Content includes photos and videos uploaded and also shared by you on your timeline.index.html
This way of downloading your data from Facebook came after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which data from 87 million Facebook users was passed on to Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics firm for commercial or political purposes. They were collected through an app that simulated a quiz connected to multiple Facebook accounts.