Problems with your phone battery are more common than we would like. But did you know that the way you use your smartphone and charger can influence the lifespan of the component? To avoid routine mistakes that can damage your device, see below some tips on how to charge your phone correctly and learn what not to do during the process.
Lithium-ion batteries, when they get close to empty, begin to draw a constant current and operate at a low voltage, which is beneficial to the health of the component, according to Battery University.
The voltage starts to increase as more charge is acquired, so it is recommended to keep it in a range below 100% – between 80% and 30%, to be more specific – so that the process requires less voltage, prolonging the battery’s useful life.

What NOT to do when charging your phone
1. Charge to 100%
We know that seeing a fully charged battery icon can bring a sense of peace to those with busy lives. But this practice, on a regular basis, is not so good for lithium-ion batteries.
You may have noticed that newer phones with fast charging systems usually give a boost at the beginning of the process, and then slow it down. There is an explanation for this.
According to Apple, the slower charging after 80% is a matter of longevity. On iPhones, charging can be paused at 80% when the battery temperature exceeds the recommended limit.
Therefore, the habit of charging at night – that is, charging the device throughout the night, and only unplugging the phone when you wake up in the morning – is not at all healthy.
2. Let the battery run out before charging the phone
Just as it is not recommended to charge it to the maximum, the opposite extreme should also be avoided. The idea is to keep your phone battery between 20% and 80% to increase its useful life.
You don’t need to be afraid to do small battery recharges, adding about 10%, throughout the day – this practice is advisable. But if it’s not practical for you, at least try to monitor when the device reaches 50% charge to top it off.
If you’re planning to spend a long time without using your phone, keep at least half of the device’s battery capacity charged – Samsung’s tip.
3. Exposing the phone to excessive heat
Avoiding heat exposure can be one of the most difficult recommendations to follow depending on your profession and the region where you live.
I’ve seen ride-hailing drivers struggling with this problem in the heat of Lagos, Nigeria, with their phones stuck to the dashboard under a sun that’s over 40°C, and still connected to the charger. Even so, the tip is valid for those who can follow it.
And the heating due to use also counts, you know? Don’t spend hours playing with your phone plugged into the socket, when the battery is already 100%. Use the device normally and, when necessary, recharge it – you’ll save money in the future.
How to charge your phone faster
To charge your smartphone quickly, try to avoid features that force you to use it during the process, even in the background.
A simple tip is to turn off your phone – but if that’s not possible, avoid using mobile data or searching for a network (especially where the signal isn’t that great) by activating airplane mode.
See more valuable tips in our complete article on how to charge your phone faster.
Finally, it’s worth remembering that the battery will eventually die. You probably won’t notice this if you follow all the tips correctly and change your phone within two years. But wear and tear occurs naturally, no matter how careful you are. Knowing this, don’t worry too much about it and just try to maintain good habits.